Your Wufoo Data

We retain data associated with your account—including personal information and form data—for as long as you have a Wufoo account. If you have a free Wufoo account and have not logged in or gotten any responses within the past 12 months, your account will be marked as inactive. Where appropriate, we will attempt to warn you by email before closing your account due to inactivity to provide you with an opportunity to log into your account so that it remains active. If no further action is detected, we may close your accounts and delete any content contained within it.

If you have a paid plan which later downgrades to a non-paid plan, your data will be retained unless you delete your account entirely.

Form data deleted from within the account You can delete forms and data from within your account at any time.
Type of DataHow to Delete It
FieldsSee Editing a Live Form
EntriesSee Deleting Entries
FormsSee Deleting a Form
Account deleted from within the account

You can delete your account and form data associated with it at any time. When you delete your account, it's permanently deleted, and we won't be able to restore it or the form data it contained.

User account in a team deleted by an admin In limited circumstances, we may retain deleted data for the following reasons:

For example, we’re required to retain limited billing data for 10 years for audit purposes even after an account is deleted. In these cases, we ensure that access to the data is blocked except for the purposes for which we have been required to retain the information and the data is deleted as soon as that purpose no longer exists.

Residual copies of deleted data may remain on backup media as permitted by law. This data generally disappears after 90 days as old backup media gets overwritten with newer backups.

Account Ownership

Wufoo is the owner of the tools used to build forms and analyze data. Our paid services are primarily intended for use by businesses and professional users. If you have a paid plan, your account type is set as Business by default.

To learn more about who we regard as the owner of your account, choose the applicable section below:

Individual Plan (No Additional Users)

If you have an individual plan, and have no additional users on your account, you are the sole owner of, and are accountable for, the information created and collected using our system. Please abide by our Terms of Service at all times. Because our paid services are built for and intended for use by businesses and professional users, we consider all paid accounts to be for business use, by default. If you have an individual paid plan and primarily use our service as a consumer (i.e., for your personal, family or household use), we ask that you log into your account and update your status from the account management page.

Plans with Additional Users

We regard the account creator as the owner of all data in the account, including data created by other users within the account. The account creator will be responsible for payment obligations and has the ability to manage all users in the account. Wufoo does not claim ownership of the form fields you create or entries you receive through any user accounts.

Data Privacy, Security & Confidentiality

Data Privacy, Security & Confidentiality
We understand that form entries can capture a wide range of information, some of which may be highly sensitive, confidential or proprietary—both to your organization as the form creator, and to the individuals who may be providing you with their personal information. Wufoo values the trust that our customers, whether they be individuals or large organizations, place in us by letting us be the custodians of their form data.

Privacy Notice
Our Privacy Notice is a detailed document explaining how we handle your form data and we encourage you to review it. We aim to be transparent with our privacy practices so there aren't any surprises with what happens with your data. We won't use your form, or the information collected from your forms, in any way other than as described in our Privacy Notice. We'll make every effort to ensure that whatever information you provide is maintained in a secure environment.

Security Statement
Our Security Statement describes the security measures we use to keep your data secure. Your data can only be handled appropriately if it is also handled and stored securely.

Data Storage
Wufoo stores all data on its servers in the US. We also provide customer support services from our US, and Canadian offices.

Visit our security page to read more about how we process your data.

Software Licensing
Wufoo uses an unmodified version of the NPM package flag (and its required sub-dependency useful-types), which is licensed and distributed under the Mozilla Public License 2.0. You can view the original source in GitHub.