INTJ: The Architect (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging)

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The INTJ personality type is one of the 16 different types described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Each type is identified by a four-letter acronym that represents key personality traits. In the case of the INTJ, these letters stand for introverted, intuitive, thinking, and judging.

Sometimes referred to as the "Architect" or the "Strategist," people with an INTJ personality are highly analytical, creative, and logical. You might recognize them for their independent, ambitious, and goal-oriented traits. They are super logical and well-informed—they love staying caught up on the latest facts and events of the world. They are highly curious and have a passion for learning, but they are also willing to consider multiple points of view and reconsider their opinions in light of new information.

At a Glance

Keep reading to learn more about the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses of the INTJ personality type. However, remember that this should not be interpreted as health, psychological, or professional career advice. It's a way to learn more about some of your possible characteristics so you can better understand yourself, your tendencies, and your challenges.

INTJ Personality Type

Two INTJ Sub-Types

There are two INTJ subtypes: INTJ-A and INTJ-T.

How Rare is the INTJ Personality?

According to psychologist David Keirsey, developer of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, approximately 1% to 4% of the population has an INTJ personality type. (The rarest personality type is INFJ.)

The MBTI is one of the most popular psychological assessments, but critics have argued that it lacks both validity and reliability. If you take the MBTI, use caution when considering the meaning of your results.

Key INTJ Characteristics

INTJs are also often described as being:

What is an INTJ personality like in everyday life? Here are a few key characteristics:

Cognitive Functions of the INTJ Personality Type

The MBTI, which is based upon psychoanalyst Carl Jung's theory of personality, utilizes what is known as a 'functional stack' to understand each personality.

Each of the four cognitive functions is either inwardly facing (introverted) or outwardly facing (extroverted), and they combine and interact in a variety of ways.

Each personality type possesses a dominant function that sets the tone for that specific type. In addition to this dominant function, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions play supporting roles in making up an individual's personality characteristics.

INTJs rely on the following four key cognitive functions.

Dominant: Introverted Intuition (Ni)

INTJs use introverted intuition, often abbreviated Ni, to look at patterns, meanings, and possibilities. That means that instead of looking at concrete facts, they are more interested in what they mean.

INTJs also enjoy thinking about the future and exploring possibilities. They like to consider all of the possible options and imagine different possibilities, which can influence their day-to-day decision-making.

Because they think more about the big picture, INTJs tend to remember impressions more than exact details of what occurred. So, while they might struggle to remember the specifics, they are good at recalling the general gist or idea behind past events.

Abstract thinking comes naturally to people with the INTJ personality type. As a result, they are good at "reading between the lines" to figure out what things might really mean.

Auxiliary: Extraverted Thinking (Ti)

The auxiliary function help bring balance to personality. If a person used their dominant function all of the time, their personality would be one-dimension. While the dominant function might drive personality, the auxiliary function is there to offer tips, directions, and support.

For the INTJ, it's extraverted thinking, often abbreviated Ti, that steps in to offer assistance. As a secondary function in the INTJ personality, extroverted thinking leads people with this type to seek order, control, and structure in the world around them.

Thanks to this extraverted thinking function, INTJs can be very deliberate and methodical when approaching problems.

People with an INTJ personality type tend to make decisions based on logic. They organize their thoughts to see cause-and-effect relationships.

Tertiary: Introverted Feeling (Fi)

The tertiary function is less developed than the dominant and auxiliary functions. We are often less conscious of it and may not feel as comfortable using it. In many cases, this function tends to emerge when we are under stress.

This function involves being able to think about emotions, including understanding your own feelings as well as those of others. When this function moves to the forefront, it often means making decisions based on an emotional response rather than a logical one.

An INTJ who develops this aspect of their personality more fully pays greater attention to values and feelings when making decisions. As a result, they may also feel more drawn to people and activities that are well-aligned with their values.

Inferior: Extraverted Sensing (Se)

The inferior function is the least developed part of personality. It is not used often, and when we do, we may run into problems. It also represents the opposite of the dominant function.

In INTJs, extraverted sensing, often abbreviated Se, tends to be the least developed of their cognitive functions. While weak, it does still exert some influence. This function allows an INTJ to process information through their senses.

When this function is in play, people who are INTJs may feel that they are living in the moment and energized by the world around them.

INTJs You Might Know

Famous INTJs through time include:

Personal Relationships With INTJs

People with an INTJ personality type are introverted, reserved, and spend a lot of time in their own mind. They work best by themselves and strongly prefer solitary activities to group work.

While they tend not to be particularly interested in other people's thoughts and feelings, INTJs do care about the emotions of the select group of people with whom they are close. In personal relationships, INTJs are willing to devote time and energy toward making these relationships successful.

People with this type of personality often see little value in social rituals and small talk, making it more difficult to get to know them. Other people may interpret INTJs as cool, aloof, and disinterested, which can make forming new friendships with them challenging.

INTJ Compatibility

Personality types that mesh well with an INTJ, potentially making them good relationship choices, include ENFP, ENTP, and ESTP. INTJs tend to have less compatibility with someone who is an ISFP, ISFJ, or ESFJ personality type.

Career Paths for an INTJ

When INTJs develop an interest in something, they strive to become as knowledgeable and skilled as they can in that area. They have high expectations and hold themselves to the highest possible standards.

INTJs are good at gathering information from the outside world, analyzing it, and reaching new insights. People with this personality type tend to be very analytical and logical.

INTJs value information, knowledge, and intelligence, making them excellent scientists and mathematicians. They also tend to do particularly well in fields that require efficiency and the ability to interpret complex information, such as engineering, academia, law, and research.

INTJs typically do well in careers that integrate their strong ability to understand and evaluate complex information with their ability to put this knowledge into practice. Careers that allow the INTJ to work independently and autonomously are also ideal.

Popular INTJ Careers

Tips for Interacting With INTJs

If you have an INTJ in your life, here are tips for interacting with them based on your relationship.


INTJs tend to be solitary and self-sufficient, so establishing friendships can sometimes be difficult. Because people with this personality type tend to think so much of the future, they may avoid getting to know people because they believe that a long-term friendship will not work out.

The good news is that while INTJs may not have a lot of friends, they do become very close and committed to those who persist. INTJs tend to prefer friends who are also introverted, rational, and low on emotional drama.


INTJ parents tend to be thoughtful and attentive, yet they are typically not highly affectionate. They have high expectations for their kids and offer support by helping kids think logically when faced with decisions. INTJ parents encourage their kids to be self-directed critical thinkers who are capable of solving problems on their own.

If your child is an INTJ, focus on finding ways to encourage their intellectual strengths, but try to find a balance to avoid excessive perfectionism. You can also help your INTJ child develop their emotional strengths and find ways to express their feelings.


Because they can be difficult to get to know, romantic relationships with an INTJ can sometimes falter. If your partner has this personality type, it is important to know that loyalty and understanding are important.

Don't be afraid to show that you are dedicated to your INTJ partner, but also don't pressure them to spill their emotions.

Communication is critical when you're in a relationship with an INTJ. Rather than expecting your partner to pick up on your subtle cues, focus on being straightforward or even blunt about what you expect.


As with other personality types, it's important to remember that the INTJ personality is unique. No two people are exactly alike, so your own personality may vary in terms of each unique characteristic.

Learning more about your personality type can help. This will help you better understand your tendencies, appreciate your strengths, and feel prepared to deal with some of the challenges you may face.

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Additional Reading

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."