Pyramid Jokes

What do you call someone who jumped off the Eiffel Tower?

Why did the Ancient Egyptians build Great Pyramids?

Because their Great Igloos melted.

Why do we call the aliens creating the pyramids a conspiracy theory?

It's obviously a pyramid scheme.

How were the pyramids built?

Using a pyramid scheme

Dad jokes rule, peace out.

Got an email asking me to invest in Egyptian architecture.

Sounds like a pyramid scheme to me.

Why are the pyramids in Egypt?

Because they are too big to transport to British museums

What did the pharoah say to the pyramid salesman?

Shut up and take my mummy!

Archeaologists in Egypt have found a mummy in a tomb in the pyramids made of chocolates and hazelnuts

His name: Pharaoh rocher

What's the difference between the Great Pyramid in Egypt and the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas?

Ages of neglect and pillaging have caused one of them to fall into utter disrepair. The other is in Egypt.

All these people getting emails from the Prince of Nigeria, I got one from an Egyptian Pharaoh.

But it turned out to just be a pyramid scheme.

Why do pyramids have horns?

So you can tootandcomein.

Who can jump higher than a Pyramid?

Everyone. Because a Pyramid can't jump.

They say it's a mystery how the pyramids were built

But it seems obvious to me - they probably started at the bottom and worked their way up.

Why is it hard to read the hieroglyphs inside the pyramids?

They are encrypted.

A tour guide at Giza was explaining how the Pyramids were 10,002 years old.

Someone in the crowd asked, "That's oddly specific, are you sure of that date."

"Well, yes, quite sure, I was told they were 10,000 years old when I started working here 2 years ago."

I just graduated with a degree in Egyptology.

So now I am qualified to teach more students Egyptology. I'm beginning to think this is some sort of pyramid scheme.

Pyramids were not the tallest structures in Egypt.

They were just medium height, between the Pyrahighs, and Pyralows.

My trip to the Egyptian Pyramids was great!

I saw mummies of cats, dogs, and even donkeys! But I will not talk about the elephant in the tomb.

Ancient Egyptian architect: "Do you know how to build a pyramid?"

Ancient Egyptian builder: "Well, err yeah, up to a point."

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Why Did The Couple Have Sex Inside The Pyramids of Egypt?

They wanted to go down in history.

One of the Russian acrobats in our human pyramid has just been deported.

Now we don't have Oleg to stand on.

Why did the Egyptians build the pyramids?

To get to the other side.

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I was watching a show about Ancient Egypt, and they mentioned that there were Seven Sacred Oils that they used to anoint the dead with.

I thought that sounded interesting, so I decided to Google "Seven Sacred Oils of Egypt" and the entire front page of results is about where I can buy the essential oils the Egyptians used, you know mlm shit.

I cannot stress enough how this is not what I was looking for, but in hindsight I p . read more

Two tourists get lost in a pyramid

As they are wandering about, a man in a suit approaches them.

"Are you lost, gentlemen?" he says. "Would you like to buy a map? Perhaps you can buy more of them so you can sell it to other people."

"Don't trust him," says one tourist to the other, "it's a pyramid scheme."