Right to Health

Right to Health

What do you understand by the term Right to Health? What are the key features of the Rajasthan Government’s Right to Health Bill? What are the challenges associated with such rights?

The Right to Health Bill has been enacted by the Rajasthan Government, conferring upon every inhabitant of the state the privilege to access costless services at all public healthcare facilities.

The right to health is a fundamental human right recognized under international law. It is enshrined in various international and regional human rights instruments and reflects the principle that every person has the right to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

Table of Contents

Key Features of the Right to Health Bill

The people of the State of Rajasthan are entitled to the right to obtain pertinent information regarding their health, including the nature and cause of their illness, proposed investigations, and care, expected treatment outcomes, possible complications, anticipated costs, etc.

Every person in the State shall have free OPD services, IPD services consultation, drugs, diagnostics, emergency transport, procedure, and emergency care as provided by all public health institutions according to their level of health care.

They shall have access to emergency treatment and care under any emergent circumstances, without prepayment of requisite fees or charges.

The term “Public health emergency” means an occurrence or imminent threat of illness or health conditions that are believed to be caused by any of the following:

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What is the Right to Health?

The right to health is a fundamental human right that guarantees the highest possible standard of physical, mental, and social well-being that every individual deserves. Here are some key points related to the right to health:

International Recognition

The right to health is recognized in several international documents, including:

The right to health is also elaborated in regional human rights instruments, such as the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the American Convention on Human Rights.

Efforts to realize the right to health involve a combination of legal, policy, and practical measures, including healthcare system reforms, public health initiatives, and efforts to address social determinants of health. International organizations, civil society, and governments work together to promote and protect this fundamental right.

Importance of Right to Health

The right to health implies that healthcare, goods, and services should be accessible to all without discrimination. This includes access to healthcare facilities, essential medicines, clean water, and adequate nutrition.

Right to Health in India

Here are some key points related to the right to health in India:

Challenges in India

India’s healthcare system faces multiple challenges that hinder its ability to provide adequate healthcare services to its citizens. A few prominent challenges are:

Inadequate Infrastructure

Government Spending

Disease Burden Level


India’s healthcare system is facing significant challenges in terms of inadequate healthcare infrastructure, high disease burden, gender disparities, etc. While there have been recent improvements in the healthcare sector, particularly in urban areas, rural areas, and poor households still lack basic medical facilities and access to healthcare. Addressing these issues requires significant investment in healthcare infrastructure and resources, as well as policies and programs to address gender disparities and increase public spending on healthcare.

Article Written By: Priti Raj